The Top Choice for Harvesting & Managing Timber in the Southeast

Piedmont Timber is a full-service timber company based in Greensboro, North Carolina.  A proven leader in the timber industry with over two centuries of experience.  Our team of Registered Foresters and NCFA Pro-Logger certified employees can provide a professional forest managment plan and timber harvesting operation.

At Piedmont Timber we purchase all forest product species and control each aspect of the timber harvesting process, from forest management to logging, chipping, and transporting forest products. 

Piedmont Timber has harvested more than $100 million in forest products through the efforts of our Registered Foresters, NCFA ProLogger Certified Logging Crews, and relationships with forest product mills throughout North America.  This has made it possible for us to protect and preserve our only renewable natural resource - TREES.

Our Services : Logging - Chipping - Reforestation - Wildlife Management

  • Purchase Pine & Hardwood Timber- Specializing in Clear-Cut & Selective Thinning
  • Pay In-Full & Upfront for Timber Purchases - meet & surpass all Environmental Regulations
  • Carry all Required Insurance
  • Assist with Tree Planting & Wildlife Management
  • Assist with Property Tax Reduction

All services offered are managed and completed under the supervision of our team of Registered Foresters and NCFA ProLogger Certified Logging Crews.


Piedmont Timber's headquarters in Greensboro, North Carolina uniquely positions us to offer services throughout the Southeast United States. Our logging and chipping roots are in North Carolina, but our growth through the years has brought us to Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and Northern Florida. This regional reach enables us to provide up-to-date pricing and marketing for all forest products.

Benefits of Careful Timber Harvesting

Harvesting timber can be done in many ways for many reasons.

Over the years we have developed multiple ways of thinning timber. Clear-Cutting is good for some land owners, but not for all.

Our team of registered foresters can evaluate your forest, listen to your goals, and help provide a plan to meet your forest management objectives. 

Client Testimonials & Recommendations

Schedule your forest consultation

Founded in 1800

Over Two Centuries of History in Sustainable Forest Management & Timber Harvesting

We carry on a family tradition that started two centuries ago. We have assembled a team of foresters and loggers that would make our forefathers proud.

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Century of History in Sustainable Forest Management

We offer each of our clients a professional logging operation, top financial return for their timber, and a forest management plan to ensure a forest for the future. Whether it is 20 acres or 2,000 acres, we hope you choose Piedmont Timber when it is time to harvest your timber.

Schedule Your Forest Consultation